January 06, 2016

Time for new

I’ve always adored new things. Whether it be the feeling I get after experiencing something I haven’t before or just a new year, a birthday, a new place or a new chapter of my life. The upcoming ‘new thing’ is a new year. Looking back at my 2015 new year's resolutions, I have fulfilled 80% of it and that makes me very proud. “New things” have always made me happy because it signifies moving on to something greater. 2015 was a rocky year but at the end, everything fell into place. I met new people that changed the way I think about life, I got into my major and reached many goals I had planned. Not everything worked out perfectly but I am certainly grateful for the things that have. Almost every year, for as long as I can remember, I’ve had a new year's resolution. For 2016, I don’t. Instead I have a list of things and lessons that I’ve learnt over the year.

The Lessons I’ve learnt in 2015:

  1. Taking risks and overcoming my fears
At the beginning of each year everyone’s level of motivation spikes and reaches a high level and people start to feel like they can achieve anything. This year, I threw myself out there, took a couple risks here and there, got a part time job while going to university and college full time. But as I go through my list of fears, I have realized that in 2015, I did not really get to face my biggest fears head on. That’s something I would have to work for in 2016!

  1. Gratitude, ‘Less is more’ and practicing patience
Sometimes I get all caught up in current situations. Stress from school, work or other struggles keep me from noticing the little things in life. Taking time to thank others and give back is important. It reminds me of how my life is at the moment and forces me to think positively. This is refreshing for me when I am stressed because it reminds me that sometimes, it is best to just pause and be grateful for everything and everyone in my life. This also helps for when I am working and overdoing things, I stop and remind myself that less is more. This allows me to appreciate what I have.

  1. Being more productive
While I was great at managing my time this year, I want to be better at it. I’ve realized that I need a change in my lifestyle. Working and the student life has allowed me to glorify sleeping in and taking too many naps. Constantly, during the year I would convince myself that I needed rest or that I needed sleep even though I had 9 hours of sleep the night before. This gave me the opportunity to be lazy and give excuses. As a result, I finished assignments last minute and barely had any extra time. This holiday I have been practicing being more productive with my day. I have cut down on the amount of naps I take, sleeping late at night and sleeping in. I have realized that the more sleep I have, the more I am missing out on potential opportunities.

  1. Positivity
The previous name of this blog was Eunoia. I named it that because it means beautiful thinking. ‘Beautiful thinking’ has been the inspiration for my blog. It is a platform where I can express myself without negativity or thoughts of what someone else thinks of me. That’s why I changed the name of my blog to ‘itslateefa’.

  1. Spreading Love 
I started writing in a diary as often as I could. I found that reading over it helped when I was feeling down. I motivate myself in ‘this diary’ and remind myself of my goals and being positive. In relation to positivity, the most important aspect of the lesson’s I have learnt in 2015 is learning to love myself and others. I have found that giving, whether it is my time, knowledge, or advice makes me feel better and allows me to show my affection towards others. Sometimes I give my all, almost whatever I can. Which is why I am cautious of who I surround myself with.
Learning to love myself includes treating myself better, being more healthy, productive, aware, and giving back to others in different ways.

Cheers to 2016! What are some of the lessons you’ve learnt in 2015? Is there anything you would like to improve on? Comment and let's have a conversation!


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